Saturday 31 March 2012

A letter to my father

It surprises me how easily you forget, my father.
It was you who told my mum that she was the only person you’ad ever love.
You promised to make her the queen of your heart, to love her at all times, to care for and protect her and to show her the many heights of love.
Today, all the love you promised her is gone. She cries day and night, praying God to separate her soul from her body.
We never knew your smile, living in this pigsty
My dad, it is never too late for you to be the best man in the world.
Sit next to her, sweep away her tears and start to love, care, protect, provide and maintain her as the only one
It is your duty to do so! So come and make our home a better place for us. It just takes one simple action to stop abuse.
Start with a simple free call and free your soul.